Southern belle with a story to tell. Refreshing iced tea served after literary punches thrown.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Writing is HARD, BUTT Texting in Pakistan is HARDER!

^this hamster and his cute text message would be banned in Pakistan!

Yea, that's write!  The government of Pakistan has apparently generated a list of 1,500 words deemed "offensive" and these words appearing on their list, will be words which cannot be texted.  This action is supposed to help lower or eliminate the amount of text spam sent on cell phones in the country, but some of the words the government is banning are rather innocuous, such as one word in the header of this blog entry.  You get a bonus point if you can guess which word in the title is offensive!

Now I'm a pretty traditional person, and thought I was rather tame in my use of colorful metaphors and various quips, but this is ridiculous.

If you want to learn more, the BBC news has a great piece on this.

BBC News-Pakistan Bans 1,500 Words

Here's a list of some of the banned words:

  • Budweiser
  • butt
  • tampon
  • idiot
  • headlight
  • lavender
  • mango
  • athlete's foot
  • flatulence 
But my favorite banned word(s) from the list?  My absolute wild and crazy favorite?
Wu Tang!
*maybe the gov't.  over there saw the teeny, tiny parental advisory label in the corner.  

As for me, I'm thankful I live in the United States of America, and can text and write any kind of crazy drivel I want to!  Wu-tastic!

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