Southern belle with a story to tell. Refreshing iced tea served after literary punches thrown.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

You Create the Caption!

Let's See What You'd Put Riiiiight Here!
 (original article and photo:

Some photos beg for a caption, and while we could get all factual, adding in the name of the freaked-out dad and where the incident happened, the news agencies already did the non-fun stuff for us, but we can of course, do more! 

I say this photo requires a new caption, and who better to write a snappy caption than the super-creative readers and writers who follow Soul and Sweet Tea!

You know I'm right.  You know you can do this. 

This idea to have a little fun came to me last night as I watched the nightly news and saw this picture, which to me is worth about a million words.

This is yet another fun way for us to flex our writing muscles, so show me the captions, and feel free to comment on which ones you think are the best.  This isn't a contest, but getting a thumb's up from a fellow writer does feel good doesn't it? 

By the way, being a former biology major in college, and knowing the kayaker and paddleboarder are sharing the water with a nearby large seal population, I'd say they were rather lucky chaps.


Revo Boulanger said...
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Jean Oram said...
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Robyn said...
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Robyn said...
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